soma healing yogaFull moon healing yoga, mantras, breath-work sound healing, candelight meditation and cacao. Saturday evenings monthly 6pm-8pm (close to full moon)
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shakti women's circleFemale-centric yoga, stories, breathwork, puja, relaxation, reflection, journalling and dinner. Saturdays monthly 4-7pm.
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kirtan & satsangChanting & wisdom. Experience the joy of devotional singing and meditative music. Spiritual readings and Aarati. Every Friday 6pm-8pm. All welcome. No charge.
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Sound Silence Stillness1 Dec A blissful, peaceful 1 day retreat held monthly on a Sunday at our sanctuary of nature and peace in the Perth hills. Includes hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, silent walk and meditation in nature, sound healing, yoga nidra, vegan morning tea and lunch.
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Devotion Evening RetreatNYE A heart-centred evening to connect with the source of love, energy and wisdom. Shakti yoga, meditation & pranayama, Full Havan Vedic fire ceremony, goddess puja, candelight sound healing, incredible vegan dinner. Options for overnight stay & morning program for an immersive experience.
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Weekend Retreats
Women's Sacred Healing Retreat,