Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre, founder and lead teacher, Robert Becker, teaches Integral Hatha Yoga. This is an integrated, holistic approach to yoga based upon the traditional system of the great Sivananda.
Integral Hatha YogaYoga is so much more than just the physical stretches. Gurudev Swami Sivananda taught the system of Integral Yoga in which all eight limbs of Raja Yoga as outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras form part of the teaching.
Attending Robert’s classes will give you access to a comprehensive integrated yoga practice including insights into the yamas and niyamas or internal and external observances, asana, posture, pranayama, breath work and the more subtle practices of sense withdrawal, concentration and meditation. All these together combine to integrate spiritual practice into daily life and provide techniques to better manage family and work responsibilities. Yoga is not escape form the world but learning to master it on all levels. Level two is gentle therapeutic yoga while level three includes some stronger body work for those who are wanting to work towards the intermediate and advances sequences. ChantingA morning practice following Saturday morning classes involving yogic breathing, meditation as well as learning and chanting the sacred vedic mantras accompanied by the harmonium.
Meditation and chanting creates an inner harmony that enables the practitioner to respond skilfully to any challenge that the day many bring. On Saturday mornings at 9.30am we share in 30 minutes of call and response singing (kirtan) by chanting the invocation mantras together, asking for the blessings of the guiding beings. No prior experience necessary and free to all. |