The post-natal period is a precious and unique time in a woman's life. Your body, mind and heart are all expanding and adapting to incorporate new life into your world. Kookaburra Yoga offers post-natal/baby yoga classes with Jo Curti, our post-natal/baby yoga specialist teacher and midwife. Practices are safe, relevant and nurturing for women with a focus on mums-to-be and the post-natal period. Partners, support and your babies and young kids are welcome.
Terms 2018
Classes Details
Post-natal & Baby YogaPostnatal yoga for Mums and Bubs with the inclusion of partners, and your support family to follow on from Pregnancy Yoga. We encourage a fun and playful yoga class that encourages bonding with your baby. Specialist teaching in yoga asanas/poses assists with strengthening and toning the body in the postnatal period, including the pelvic floor, spine and abdomen for girdle stability. By incorporating breathing and active relaxation exercises with the asanas, this nurtures mums and parents to quieten the mind, stay in the present moment and surrender to the encounters of being a new mum and parent inside and outside the teaching space.
Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual safety and wellbeing is our priority. Kookaburra Yoga recommends that women in the post-partum period (0-6 weeks after childbirth or longer if complications) only attend specialised post-natal yoga classes with a teacher qualified and experienced in this field. More about Jo Curti |