Journey Home
healing retreat for women 4 day retreat Margaret River
"The things which women reclaim are often their voice, their own values, their imagination, their clairvoyance, their stories, their ancient memories. If we go for the deeper, the darker, and the less known we will touch the bones." ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés |
The Journey Home 4-day retreat
with Mandy and Jemma
Retreat ProgramDay 1 2.00pm Arrive 4.00pm Welcome 4.30pm Women's Medicine Circle 6.00pm Yoga of the Yoginis 7.00pm Dinner Days 2 & 3 6.30am Rise and personal practice 8.00am Breakfast 9.00am Women’s Medicine Circle 10.30am Tea Break 11.00am Yoga of the Yoginis 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm Time for rest/self care 3.30pm Wu Yin Yoga 5.00pm Nyasa Yogic Healing 7.00pm Dinner Day 4 6.30am Rise and personal practice 8.00am Breakfast 9.00am Meditation & Chanting 9.30am Women's Wisdom Circle 11.00am Yoga of the Yoginis 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm retreat ends |
retreat with us...
The Journey Home is a powerful fusion of timeless traditions. Drawing on the poetic wisdom of traditional yoga and tantra we share the female-centric meditation, mantra, yantra, yogic healing and asanas of the yoginis - which bring peace and integration to the whole self. This is uniquely integrated with Daoist Qi Gong, EFT healing methods, Traditional Chinese Medicine and an empowering Women's Medicine Circle for a truly transformational and enjoyable healing experience.
We journey through the stages and aspects of a woman's life, yet each is profoundly relevant to women of any age. It is an inner journey which traces the evolution of the self from before we're born through the trajectory of our beautiful and unique life exploring our roles as infant, girl, woman, mother, healer and sage. To know who we are is to accept, embrace and cherish all of who we were and who we are to become.
The retreat program shines a light on different stages and aspects of our lives, enabling us to see clearly what we've brought forwards into this moment, what we can release, and how to move along the continuum of our life with grace and ease. In any moment in time we embody all the aspects of the feminine.
The Journey Home is the collaborative creation of Mandy BeckerKnox of Kookaburra Yoga and lifelong friend Jemma Doak, drawing on their depth and breadth of knowledge and experience of the healing arts including Yoga, Tantra, Daoist Qi Gong, EFT healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Women's Medicine.
Both Mandy and Jemma have experienced profound challenges, and emerged remarkable, resilient, happy and deeply compassionate guides and educators with a passion for using their experience and expertise as a support to help women on their own healing journeys.
This program is for all women in any stage of life. Experience of yoga is not required. Simply a willingness and desire to shed the veils which mask your beauty, radiance, intelligence and to emerge into the light and purpose of your inner self with grace and gentle courage, then we invite you on this journey home.
4 day retreat.
$1090 pp twin-share room
$1690 pp single luxury apartment
$1290 pp single room
the journey home
The Journey Home shines a light on different stages and aspects of our lives, enabling us to see clearly what we've brought forwards into this moment, what we can release, and how to move along the continuum of our life with grace and ease. In any moment in time we embody all the aspects of the feminine. The wise woman is within the girl, and the girl forever within the woman. The Journey Home is an inner journey tracing the evolution of the self from before we're born through the trajectory of our beautiful and unique life exploring our roles as infant, girl, woman, mother, healer and sage. To know who we are is to accept, embrace and cherish all of who we were and who we are to become. We explore these themes during the residential retreat and also on one day retreats:
1. becoming
the infant. I come down to earth. I am born into this world and I merge with the mother who's body is my body, who's heart is my sanctuary, who's life is my life.
The first retreat in our series goes back in time before our birth to our beginning. To the time when we begun, our souls formed, minds and bodies took shape and we were born into the world. As we developed and grew we were absorbed first into our mother's body, our mother's world and then the world of others. To know ourselves fully is to know where we came from, to understand our birth. If we don't know where we came from and what the influences are, it's hard to differentiate and discern what is our true essence from what we have absorbed and become. Our wellness and illness patterns are programmed in these earliest times of our existence and the first step to healing is to reclaim our story, our power and to return to wholeness.
Medicine Circle This first circle has a focus on ancestral clearing. Clearing all that we brought into this world, our lives, family patterns and beliefs that are not ours. There is an acknowledgement of all we are, and letting go of what no longer serves us. Clearing at the root the limiting patterns of our family line.
Yoga of the Yoginis Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras and mudras for women - an emphasis on the joy of discovery, of play, of innocence, of being new in an ancient world. The focus is on connecting with and trusting the innocence of the instinctual self, and embodying the qualities of the Divine Feminine in the form of Dakini Shakti, guardian of gatekeeper of the physical reality.
Wu Yin Yoga A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessel Chong Mai. The intention is to cultivate seeing within, to come to know who we are so we can express our soul's destiny.
Nyasa Yogic Healing Meditations and mantras associated with Dakini Shakti, the Bindu (the secret point) and Mooladhara (base) Chakras, the Sushumna (central channel), our connection with the earth and sense of security. We become grounded and connected to the instinctual self and earth, so we are safe and free to look backwards and forwards in time while being present in the body, seeing ourselves as we were, are, and will be, which helps us on the path of self-knowledge, and to gain mastery of our beliefs, instincts, stresses and desires.
2. Illuminate
the girl. Where does the self begin and when did I begin to take on the imprints of others? How do I find and reclaim the girl who became lost in the world, and the power and purity of my heart and innerself?
This second retreat explores the conception and construction of the self, and the creativity which continues to expand within us seeking expression and fulfilment. We unravel from what is inherited and ancestral by shining a light on the dark spaces of our karma, wading past the murkiness of the past, seeing into the darkness and through the density to find and reclaim our essence. The great insight is that our karma is not fixed. While our early impressions and experiences shape our lives, they don't define us. We become free by reclaiming and loving the girl we were, and loving, forgiving and nourishing the woman we are.
Medicine Circle we reclaim our power from our time in the womb until when we were born. Our experience in the womb and with our own womb space - from the points of view of ourself as both the baby held and the mother holding. We explore this first and most influential of our worldly relationships. This begins a process of differentiating our sense of self from our mother's sense of self.
Yoga of the Yoginis. Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras & mudras to draw Shakti, feminine energy, from the elements, to contain it and to nourish the body systems from within. We embody the qualities of Rakini Shakti who represents youthfulness, immortality, and the life-giving essence and light of the moon. We awaken the Ida Nadi, the moon channel which brings about coolness, calmness and a distinctly feminine creativity.
Wu Yin Yoga - A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessel Ren Mai. Ren Mai is the sea of yin, and governs our relationships. Our first relationship with our mother sets the imprint for our relationships for all of life. The first step on the healing journey is to understand the influence of this relationship, and reshape how we would like to redefine our patterns of relating.
Nyasa Yogic Healing
Meditations and mantras associated with Rakini, who drinks the Soma or nectar of the moon, the sacral centre, the Svadhisthana Chakra, the water element and feminine sexuality. We begin the process of liberating ourselves from our karma and becoming free to experience the radiance and lightness of freedom in our bodies and minds.
3. balance
the woman Unbeknown to me, beauty blossoms as I transition from girlhood to womanhood. I am most vulnerable and fragile in these years. I bring forward the beauty and fragility of youth combined with spiritual strength and power thereby finding a natural harmony and balance.
As we come into the sensuality and sexuality of womanhood, we do so with all of the damaging and limiting beliefs we’ve internalised from the past, from the world which inform our self concepts and self esteem. Without the nurturing guidance and watchfulness of loving elders, we are vulnerable to the desire, manipulation and abuse of others. The higher and lower self can become disconnected, and we quite literally forget our worth, our beauty, and believe ourselves to be so much less than who we truly are. To be whole and express ourselves authentically requires a reconnection. With the wisdom, hindsight and resilience which comes through age and experience we revisit the hopes, dreams and desires of the past. We see the obstacles for what they were and are. We let go of the concepts and beliefs which are not ours and continue to define our relationship with ourselves, others and the world. We balance the opposing forces within to find a natural harmony and balance.
Medicine Circle we explore what we are holding onto, beneath our conscious awareness and focus on letting go. We go deeper into the layers of beliefs and held experiences where there are those buried feelings we've pushed down and haven't looked at and don't know what to do with. We gently open ourselves to let go or integrate what has been held for so long to make space for our wildest dreams, desires, and our greatest life.
Yoga of the Yoginis. Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras & mudras to prevent the dissipation of our life force, drawing on the strength and qualities of the sun to rebuild resilience, inner strength, and then to soften that at our centre. We awaken the Pingala (solar) Nadi, and embody the qualities of Lakini Shakti, who decides what is to be ‘burned away’ by the Sun, and what we retain, who sets goals and aspirations and knows the path forward.
Wu Yin Yoga A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessel Dai Mai to ground and reconnect to our wholeness. We clear the internal clutter we've accumulated through this lifetime to rediscover what our life is really about and gain clarity as to what we want our life to be about. We create space for new dreams.
Nyasa Yogic Healing Meditations and mantras associated with Lakini Shakti, who has the power to burn like the Sun, to be strong and bold, to forge a path forwards; the solar plexus centre, the Manipura Chakra; the fire element; and feminine strength. We strengthen the life force, drawing on the elemental forces to sustain the body. We well and truly shed the past, and come into our power as we balance the sun, moon, sky and earth at the centre of self.
4. embrace
the mother. I follow my feelings back to my heart. In the rawness and wildness I become still. I hold, embrace and nourish myself with the love, kindness and grace which flows from my centre. I give to myself all of who I am.
The qualities of the Divine Mother are those we seek to awaken in our own hearts - clarity, knowing, holding, creative flow, effortless action. To grow up, to become a woman requires us to move on from the maiden's ways and embrace both our inner masculine and feminine to hold ourselves from within. We create freedom, alignment and independence to hold healthy boundaries which are self honouring. This allows us to love and give without merging with others, or to exhaust ourselves into collapse. To be who we need ourselves to be, rather than what the world expects us to be.
Yoga of the Yoginis. Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras & mudras to bring the mind to the heart and to create a container in which we
untangle the knotted energies of the heart centre to free our divinity, to attune to the creative impulse, and to express ourselves with complete freedom. We embody the qualities of Kakini Shakti, who helps us to coordinate our heartbeat with the rhythm of the universe to feel ourselves as one with all. From this oneness anger and hurt is absorbed and dissolves, and the qualities of friendliness, compassion, and unconditional love flow from the heart to nurture the self and others.
Medicine Circle We look at healthy boundaries as a container to move through life and to identify where we are not living and taking action in a way which is true and right for us. We learn how we can hold space so we are aware of our needs and are able to take purposeful action in alignment with our needs and goals, and maintain clarity towards our vision.
Wu Yin Yoga A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessel Du Mai which is like a shooting arrow - you have an eye on where you're going, and you don't get distracted or lose sight of your direction. There is crystal clear knowing and easeful movement forward.
Nyasa Yogic Healing Meditations and mantras associated with Kakini Shakti, who has the spiritual power to heal others and bring us into alignment with the universe; the heart centre, the Anahata Chakra; the fire element; and feminine strength. We strengthen the life force, by drawing in the elemental forces to sustain the body. We balance the sun, moon, sky and earth at the heart, coming into our power as we transcend the past to embrace and hold the self quite effortlessly. We can give because we are never empty - we can replenish, refill and renew.
5. nourish
The healer I can hear my heart now. I have the will to listen. In my wholeness and through my knowledge of the self and the world, I become the medicine woman, the one with the capacity to see and feel the hearts of the world, and with effortless kindness and loving care to help others on their own journey to wholeness and health.
All of life is a circle and within it are natural cycles and rhythms which return us to the source. As we emerge from our reproductive years these rhythms continue and we attune to where we are in the circle of life. The second half of our life is a return home to the heart. We've been busy for 40, 50 years or so as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, carer, custodian and nurturer. We've said yes to life, we've loved, we've lost, we've gained and we've arrived here in this moment astounded at the woman we've become and a little lost in the midst of life. Our work in the world evolves to the work of the soul.
Medicine Circle We clear any remaining thoughts or beliefs which inhibit us from living true to our destiny and nature in the world. We gain clarity on how to move through our life in alignment with our soul's purpose and how this looks and feels.
Yoga of the Yoginis. Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras & mudras to contain the elemental forces to uplift, energise and promote health, healing and wellbeing. We embody the qualities of Sakini Shakti, who with her five heads masters the five elements, bestows higher knowledge, and activates the life powers and psychic capabilities enabling us to become the healer of the self, and eventually others.
Wu Yin A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessel Chong Mai. Listening into our self for the wisdom to take action skilfully and mindfully. We become ready to use our power to see our destiny and act upon the fundamental truths that we have excavated in previous retreats. There is no more role playing. The dark night of the soul work puts us in the position to shine the light brightly here. There are no shortcuts to becoming the medicine woman.
Nyasa Yogic Healing Meditations and mantras associated with Hakini Shakti the gatekeeper of the third eye. We focus on the Ajna Chakra and the throat centre, health and longevity; the Ether element; and safely expanding our awareness into space to know and become one with the world. From this perspective we feel into the hearts and minds of all beings with clarity, compassion, and awaken our capacity to heal.
6. knowing
The sage The sensual sage: I know myself with absolute clarity, and embody true wisdom. I delight in my body, in the senses, in my wholeness, in the world. I trust in the desires and choices which flow from my heart. I live from my medicine and magic which I share with the world.
Medicine Circle I embrace myself now, accept myself now. I am open to freeing and forgiving myself. We reflect upon on who we were, and use our magical powers to hone in and stake our claims for our intentions on how we are going to express our soul in the world.
Yoga of the Yoginis. Asana, movement, pranayama with mantras & mudras to bridge the subtle and 'gross' bodies to control the subtle mind and its desires and compulsions, to enter into the higher, meditative states of yoga. We embody the qualities of Hakini Shakti, who's six heads represent the higher limbs of yogic meditation and states of consciousness - dharana (concentration), dhyana (absorption), samadhi (sustaining), teijasa (dreaming), prajna (knowing), turiya (becoming).
Wu Yin Yoga A combination of Qi Gong & yoga movement, meditation practices working with the extraordinary vessels the Yin and Yang Qiao Mai. We explore our inner relationship with ourselves in the now to bring about radical self acceptance. We also explore the intersection of the inner and outer worlds so we walk mindfully between heaven and earth.
Nyasa Yogic Healing Meditations and mantras associated with Hakini Shakti, the gatekeeper of the third eye and bestower of Soma (the moon/nectar of immortality), the Ajna Chakra (forehead centre) and the three sub-chakras associated subtle Soma (inner moon) which are the source of light and govern our capacity to see within the darkness; the superconscious light element; the unravelling the final of the energetic knot which binds and holds us back from moving forwards on the spiritual path into our bliss.
Twin share rooms in the homestead and luxury apartments are all onsite at Gilgara, our main venue. Offsite accommodation is nearby in a gorgeous rammed earth cottage at Bussells Bushland Cottages.
About the program
Wu Yin YogaWu Yin Yoga is a gentle and deeply connected movement for medicine and meditation practice created by Jemma. It draws on the confluence of the sacred Arts of Yoga and Daoist Qi gong. Through slow movement and held postures of our body we connect to Heaven and Earth, and access and harmonise the pre birth and post birth energy system from a Classical Chinese Medicine perspective.
Online medicine circleEach of the one day retreats is followed by a free 60 minute online women's medicine circle a fortnight after each retreat. The circles are with Jemma and are optional for participants who would like to continue their process, share insights or receive support. The retreat programs can be quite deeply moving and this is a way to nurture ourselves and maintain connections.
Sattvic Food
1 Day retreat venueThe one day retreats are held at Kookaburra Creek in Bedfordale, in the Perth hills. Kookaburra Creek is a 10 acre eco-property featuring a stunning, light infused large wooden yoga and meditation studio set amongst the towering marri trees.The centre was created as a place of peace and healing and is dedicated to the practice and sharing of traditional yoga. In addition to the studio is the main residence where we enjoy relaxed informal meals and time together.
Like the bird that gazes all night at the passing moon,
I have blinded myself in giving my eyes to your beauty.
She who offers herself completely asks only this:
That she be loved as fully as she loves.
About the facilitators
Mandy BeckerKnoxMandy is the co-owner and director of Kookaburra Yoga and Kookaburra Creek. She has decades experience teaching the subtle, powerful and transformational methods of traditional yoga and tantra. Her knowledge and insights have been inspired through devotion, consistent practice, higher education in yoga, Ayurveda, the arts, and integration of yogic values and concepts into everyday family and professional life. Mandy continues to study with her own teachers AG Mohan and Indra Mohan and is always learning and evolving. Yoga has been a support throughout her life, and Mandy teaches and shares traditional, spiritual yoga which is relevant, practical, accessible and profoundly beautiful.
Inclusions & Cost
1 day retreats$180
4 day residential retreatfrom $1090
Margaret River retreat venue
Facts & Questions
Why choose Kookaburra Yoga for your retreat?
- Established, reputable business. Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre is directed by experienced teachers Robert Becker and Mandy BeckerKnox in Perth, Australia. Kookaburra Creek Yoga is well established having been operating for twenty years.
- Retreat management experience. Kookaburra Yoga have offered professionally organised and facilitated international retreats for over ten years. Each retreat is carefully planned to ensure the safety and comfort of participants.
- Health & Safety. Our venue is maintained to a high standard to support the health and wellbeing of participants. We take every precaution to ensure the hygiene and health of participants.
- Quality food. Food is an integral part of our retreats and menus and ingredients are planned and considered to ensure they are nourishing, health-promoting and conducive to yoga and meditation.
- High quality program. Directors Mandy and Robert facilitate all Kookaburra Yoga Retreats. They are both exceptional yoga and meditation instructors with decades of continuing education, self-enquiry and practical teaching experience. They have literally taught thousands of people yoga and to meditate and how to effectively apply the knowledge gained to enhance and transform lives.
- Professional leadership. Both Robert and Mandy have worked professionally in high-level leadership positions in government and the not-for-profit sector and are leaders and skilful group facilitators able to guide individuals and groups safely through peak experiences and the transformational change which often occurs on retreat.
- Value for money. Retreats are fully inclusive with everything included in the cost. There are no additional costs and there are no items or services offered for sale during the retreat.
- Socially responsible. We care for people and the planet. All our retreats cause as little harm as possible. We are an entirely vegetarian venue.
- Personal development. Kookaburra Retreats are a wonderful opportunity for personal and professional development. You'll be gently guided to explore limitations and obstacles to achieving your potential and become equipped with the tools, techniques and practical wisdom to evolve and grow. Kookaburra Retreats are transformational and potentially life-changing!
Do I need experience in Yoga to attend this retreat?
No, we welcome anyone who is interested in embarking upon a journey of self enquiry and discovery. The yoga and meditation practices on each retreat are carefully explained and taught in a caring and respectful manner. All of the practices taught can be adapted to suit the needs of each participant.
- The one day retreats are at Kookaburra Yoga. 210 Carradine Road, Bedfordale WA 6112
- The 4 day retreat is at Gilgara Homestead, Margaret River. Accommodation is onsite and also offsite at Bussells Bushland Cottages.
- Your deposit of $400 for 1 person or $800 for 2 people is non-refundable if you cancel.
- If you cancel 0-2 weeks before the retreat the full amount of the retreat is payable.
- If you cancel more than 2 weeks before the retreat the full amount minus the non-refundable deposit will be returned to you.
- If the organisers cancel the retreat the whole amount you have paid will be refunded to you.
- If the retreat is cancelled or postponed due to Covid please see our Covid Policy below.
What if I am not in perfect condition or if I get sick?
- You should be fine to attend if you are in reasonable health. Please check with your own health care provider if you have any concerns or doubts.
- Please do not attend if you have symptoms of respiratory illness.
- We are within close proximity to Margaret River. If you get sick during the retreat, an after hours locum doctor (bulk billed) can be called or you can attend the local health services. The nearest major hospital is in Bunbury (1 hour).
Maximum Capacity:
- There are twin share rooms - 10 people
- There are 6 luxury garden studio apartments - 6 people
- There are up to 8 places staying offsite.
what are the payment options?
- $400 deposit when booking to reserve your place
- Online payments only: credit card, paypal or direct deposit
- If you require a 6 month payment plan select this option when booking. An additional $100 will be added for payment plans.
What should I bring?
- clothing for: yoga, bush walking, warmth, waterproof jacket if raining
- sturdy shoes, water/wind proof jacket for bush walking
- shawl and warm clothing for meditation and evenings
- notebook and pen
- reading material
- torch
- toiletries, personal items
If the retreat cannot go ahead due to Covid-related restrictions (no travel between regions, groups size restrictions, lockdown etc) the retreat will be cancelled or rescheduled. Participants will be offered the following:
• transfer to rescheduled date, or to same retreat on a future date listed on website (subject to availability)
• credit for any future retreat or program with Kookaburra Yoga
• full refund to same account/card paid from
If the retreat is affected by Covid-related restrictions imposed once the retreat has already commenced and during the retreat, then refunds will not be issued. Participants must comply with all government directions and rulings.
If you are unwell with any respiratory symptoms on the retreat commencement date you are not permitted to attend the retreat, unless you have been tested for Covid19 and have evidence of a negative result. The usual refund policy applies if you are unwell and cannot attend.
If you become unwell with any respiratory symptoms during the retreat, you will be required to self-isolate in your room, and to book a Covid19 test at your own expense at the nearest testing facility. You will need to self-isolate until the test results are returned to you. If the result is negative you may rejoin the retreat program.
• transfer to rescheduled date, or to same retreat on a future date listed on website (subject to availability)
• credit for any future retreat or program with Kookaburra Yoga
• full refund to same account/card paid from
If the retreat is affected by Covid-related restrictions imposed once the retreat has already commenced and during the retreat, then refunds will not be issued. Participants must comply with all government directions and rulings.
If you are unwell with any respiratory symptoms on the retreat commencement date you are not permitted to attend the retreat, unless you have been tested for Covid19 and have evidence of a negative result. The usual refund policy applies if you are unwell and cannot attend.
If you become unwell with any respiratory symptoms during the retreat, you will be required to self-isolate in your room, and to book a Covid19 test at your own expense at the nearest testing facility. You will need to self-isolate until the test results are returned to you. If the result is negative you may rejoin the retreat program.